
It's So Hard (not) To Love: DYGL

How to rank the Top 3 of your favourite band? 

My answer will be: The Strokes, DYGL, The Voidz.
Though I’ll change ranking of No. 1 and No. 3 sometimes, but DYGL had always appeared in the middle of two, placed in the middle of periodic table, roughly between iron and silver.

Maybe they had existed in recommend facebook fan page, on the right side of window just before  algorithm of Facebook haven’t been contaminated by capitalism. The link of EP #1[1], which showed on fan page. Trembling white strokes write down “DYGL” on black base of thumbnail image, that’s your first glimpse of DYGL.  Though it’s only a prototype of their first work, you can still tell that they’re more than that. 

They lived in 2003, but making music in 2010s.

 Post-punk revival starting from 00s, with The Strokes, The Libertines, Interpol and more band that played in underground, let Rock staged a successful comeback with tailored suit with converse. Nowadays, some band had survived after post-punk revival stop pedding. But back to the golden era, bunches of the band had crossed over pacific ocean and landed on Tokyo.

Have you ever found, the music that you deeply into when you were a juvenile will always come back to you? You’re haunted, living with the good old day ghost. 
So did DYGL. 

Nobuki Akiyama (vocal & guitar)、Yosuke Shimonaka (guitar)、Yotaro Kachi (bass) and  Kohei Kamoto(drum) formed DYGL in Tokyo, 2012. 

From these boys were young, they’ve meet The Beatles, The Smiths, Suede, The Strokes, The View[2], The Libertines and Blur. Out of the love of British rock and American music, they starting playing music from senior high school. When they studies in Meiji Gaukin University, they meet each other in ‘Contemporary Music Club’. With nearly same taste of music, these 4 guys finally have the soul mate lived in echo chamber. 

Compared with trending music genres:  rap, electronic music, city pop, kpop, bedroom pop, rock seems lost its glory. Like one of millions “the LAST rock’n’roll band”, DYGL decided to devoted into this industry. The band was called “De Nada”[3] at first, then “DYGL” (as we all know), in halfway they suddenly determined that they should be as “Leather”.  After 3 months, they changed band name back,  just because they felt more comfortable as DYGL. (Thank god, you don’t know how excited I was when I found that they changed their name back)

(Photo Credit: DYGL)


 “Japanese band that sing in English.”
This might be the first impression of DYGL. Nobuki, the frontman of DYGL had been asked these kind of question constantly, “Why do you sing in English?”, “Would you publish songs sing in Japanese?"

The asnwer is firm and umchanged: “As DYGL, we will only sing in English.” 

Merely because DYGL feel more comfortable to sing in English, because 3 of them major English in University, or just because they have decided to do it when they’re 14-year-old. 
I’m okay with that, as long as it’s “a good song”.

Let's get into your car.

Out of the wish that hope songs should be timeless and classic, Nobuki had decide their works should beyond the band itself. The song should be as “a good song” when it’s played by anyone. Perhaps that’s why each song of DYGL are so approachable, like high school friend rehearsing the list will be played at Saturday night. DYGL had issued their debut at 《Say Goodbye To Memory Den》[4]at 2017, second album《Songs of Innocence & Experience》[5]came out at July, 2019. Despite the energetic and cardiac dynamic that had flourished in first album, DYGL become  mature and experienced. Like boys suddenly grown up in a doo wop tune, you can taste the contradiction in that. 

《Songs of Innocence & Experience》[6]transformed into an aircraft, verge on life and death; joy and sadness; innocence and experience. With the ode of introspection exploration, DYGL had deflected themself into ambiguous scorching flame.

Drumbeats tickling the hair reflecting orange-light. Nobuki’s voice walked down with baseline, push people off just to sit next beside you. Thrown in guitar rhythms flashing like neon light, vibes of youth briterness moved your heart in mono. DYGL is not kind of band will drag you out from the bad situation. They’re flesh and blood that will blend into your body, make you get through daily battles. 

Let them get into your car; let them get into your heart; let them become birthmark on back of your right hand; let them lean on you back, let them wasting your time, dancing into the night and parting with sleeping

Then, you saw flaming sunset spread like marmalade. 


(Tender as star's whispering. Bridge is the highlight of this song)

(Sounds like we've comeback to 2016)

(You'll know the view of DYGL how they look about current society and politics)

(On the show in 2016, it was the first I heard this song which happened to be Kachi's birthday)

(Had introduced in Don't Play It On Monday)


[1] Songs in EP#1: All the Time, I’m Waiting for You, Just Say It Tonight and Let’s Get Into Your Car。
[2] 《Hats Off To The Buskers》of The View inspired Nobuki, let him want to take music as his life career.
[3] “You’re Welcome” in Spanish. 
[4] Debut album《Say Goodbye To Memory Den》produced by Albert Hammond Jr. (The Strokes). Band and Albert completed recording and mixing of 14 songs within 9 days.
[5] Rory Attwell is the producer of 《Songs of Innocence & Experience》. DYGL did live recording of full album, while 《Bad Kicks》was recorded separately. 
[6] Album name refer to William Blakes’s poetry. After recording of second album, Nobuki read the poetry again and found lots of concept mentioned in poetry are same as the work.



當你的傷痛清清淺淺:Yellow Days

2017年,你可曾心碎過? 不管2017讓你難過或快樂,現在都變成無法傷害你的回憶了。 把傷心往事紡成旋律的Yellow Days最知道。 第一次聽到Yellow Days的歌時,你跟著那近似靈魂樂的唱腔,被藍調般的憂傷推著,輕輕的晃起了身子。 過了一會,你在Google上輸入Yellow Days,按下搜尋。 他叫George van den Broek,19歲。 綁著馬尾,蜷曲的淡金色瀏海亂糟糟的向前伸出,表情淡漠得像團迷霧。 形貌不羈大概是最適合他的形容詞了。 如同《裝苑》裡會出現的模特兒,穿著白色馬球衫和寬鬆的駝色長褲站在公路尾端,頸子微微前傾像是要朝你奔來。 ( from: Yellow Days and Teenage Blues ) 從小在 Surrey 長大的George,其實在曼徹斯特出生,之後才搬到Surrey。爸媽在Haslemere開了間店,過著平靜的小鎮生活。 無可避免的,擁有低沉嗓音,爵士曲風裡伏著青澀憂鬱的Yellow Days總是會被拿來和 King Krule 比較。雖然都以傷感作為基調,但與King Krule具有憤怒的躁動節奏不同,Yellow Days更像是用手指輕輕劃過裝著初戀情人的相框玻璃時感受到的冰冷。 Yellow Days代表George度過的重要時光及情緒的混合體,所見之物都像罩了層黃色薄霧。 專注於將青少年生活中的掙扎:偏執、焦慮、抑鬱和情緒化扭成歌曲的Yellow Days被媒體稱作Voice of teens。想讓聽眾專注於聲音而非George van den Broek本人的Yellow Days,總是把專輯封面上的臉孔挖掉,就像 MF Doom 老是戴著面具一樣。 年輕人的三年五年是一輩子 跟初戀分手之後應該做什麼比較好呢? George的答案是寫歌。 有些時候我們都知道該結束了,卻不知道從哪個叉路轉彎最為恰當,尤其是當你以為對方還握著你的手。George就這樣和初戀女友鬆開交疊的手,走了一小段路,重複地說著:「再待一下就好。」 原來你也是馬哥粉絲! George發現11歲時收到的聖誕禮物是把吉他時簡

午安您好,我是馬克:Arctic Monkeys《Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino》

聽說一邊聽Arctic Monkeys的新專輯《Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino》可以減緩拔智齒的疼痛。 所以我預約了牙醫,就在5/11的早上。 當麻醉生效時,我把耳機放好,張開嘴巴等待智齒從我體內脫落的那瞬間。 "I just wanted to be one of The Strokes." 我被開頭的第一句歌詞嚇得把嘴巴張得更開了,完全沒注意到牙醫是哪時候把智齒拔掉的。(天知道他究竟講了多少次The Strokes) 你比較喜歡《Is This It》還是《Room On Fire》,Alex? 雖然 Arctic Monkeys 的豐功偉業已經不需要我再多做介紹,但還是提一下好了。 這幾個 Sheffield 小子,在熱門樂團還只出現在主流音樂雜誌裡的時候,於 2005 年的 MySpace 1 裡默默搜刮了一票歌迷 ( 現在年輕人知道 MySpace 是什麼嗎? ) ,並且在各大 label 吵成一片的時候,在同年 6 月默默地將約簽給了 Domino 。第一張專輯 《 Whatever People Say I’m, That’s What I’m Not 》 成為 2006 年英國最暢銷專輯,開創了現今網路傳播與音樂銷售的嶄新商業模式。 身為 The Strokes 的死忠歌迷 2 ,從 cover band 3 開始到表演自己的音樂,並於第五張專輯 《 AM 》 之後獲得了空前的 COMMERICAL SUCCESS ,一直到 5 年之後才發行第六張專輯。 這令人心焦難耐的五年啊。 不回505,改拿《Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino》 521室的鑰匙 在確定於 5/11 發行新專輯的 Monkeys ,接受 MOJO 訪問時說,直到《 Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino 》正式發售的那天,不會有任何一首歌提前釋出。這大概是史上第一張只聞歌詞響不見單曲影的專輯了。 這會是《 AM 2 》嗎?描寫 LA 暗夜情慾的《 AM 》擁有清脆簡潔、如同迅猛龍般突然竄出的吉他 riffs ,搭配浪漫

連失去的副作用也是浪漫:King Krule《The OOZ》

嘿,阿奇阿奇,你又回來了。這次也依舊把浪漫曬在月光底下了嗎? Archy Marshall,擁有眾多化身的他在19歲生日那天以King Krule發表了《6 Feet Beneath the Moon》,隨即震驚了倫敦獨立音樂圈,紛紛以早慧的音樂天才替他加冕。頂著一頭紅髮,瘦削的臉,配上蒼白的膚色像是骷髏,頭上盛著憤怒之火。但他是浪漫的,從長達4年的空白期後才發行的《The OOZ》中,你能聽見。 這段消失的期間,我們的庫魯爾之王也沒閒著。和大他兩歲的哥哥 Jack Marshall 聯手辦了展覽 《Inner City Ooz》 ,其命名取自Marvin Gaye的Inner City Blue,還出了一本書《A New Place 2 Drown》,所有的視覺影像都在東倫敦的自家方圓一哩之內完成。 即使如此,Archy還是經歷了一段撞牆期。他的朋友受他啟發,也開始試著創作音樂,但Archy在和朋友合作的期間,發現自己就像是隻吐絲的蠶,被自己的音樂困住。直到某天在Facebook上,收到了一個男子在東倫敦橋下表演薩克斯風獨奏的影片,於是Archy回覆了,並邀他一起參加演出。這個人叫Ignacio,是個阿根廷人,他的薩克斯風淒然的吹出了Archy的困境。 男人的友情若以此為開頭,好像也是一件挺不錯的事。總之害羞的宅錄高手阿奇,跟來自南美洲的薩克斯風手成了好朋友。Ignacio也拓展了Archy的音樂視野,原本只聽hip-hop、garage、UK garage和two step的Archy,在那陣子聽了很多阿根廷的專輯,其中接觸到的Pescado Rahiso主唱 Luis Alberto Spinetta ,讓Archy深深愛上了The Beatles。也讓原本只利用電腦和MPC製作音樂的Archy,改花更多時間在吉他上。在還沒拿定主意要怎樣錄音時,Archy就坐著,撥弄吉他,感受樂器最純粹的聲音,同時考慮著要以怎樣的方式呈現。 好的,接下來讓我們談談這張新專輯。 Archy除了寫不出歌外,加上失眠及焦慮,無法放棄將自己的作品與其他傑出爵士音樂人相比較。腦中甚至有個場景,看見有人轉過來對他說:「你不過是個他媽的流行歌手罷了。」而他在某一瞬間對此深信無疑。Archy常常失眠,在床上輾轉反側,或是在暈眩的夜半時